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Naam project
HIV/AIDS project St.Vincent Hospital Aliade, Benue State, Nigeria.

Korte beschrijving van het project
Het project bevindt zich in de plaats Aliade in Nigeria en vormt sedert 1994 een onderdeel van het St.Vincent Hospital. Er is sprake van ondersteunende activiteiten door vrijwilligers voor personen uit Aliade die moeten leven met Aids. De projectorganisatie is non- profit en het betreft een NGO (Niet-gouvernementele organisatie).

Doel van het project
De kwaliteit van leven van HIV/AIDS patiënten ( 177 personen) verbeteren middels bestrijding van stigmatisering en discriminatie, waar deze doelgroep in hun dagelijkse leven mee te maken heeft.

Huidige stand van zaken
Maandelijks wordt voor de doelgroep een vergadering belegd.
Het aantal bezoekers neemt toe hetgeen de noodzakelijkheid van de organisatie aangeeft.

Behoeften van het project
Specifieke behoeften worden niet aangegeven, doch het organiseren van maandelijkse bijeenkomsten en de daaraan verbonden activiteiten (voorlichting/preventie) kosten geld.

Contactpersoon van het project
Myom Support group (PLWHA)
Awuapila Simonpeter (P.R.O)
St.Vincent Hospital
P.O. Box 41
Aliade-Gwer Local Government Area
Benue State, Nigeria

Indien U een donatie wilt geven ten behoeve van dit project, dan kunt U een bedrag overmaken op rekeningnummer van de ABN-AMRO te Venlo ten name van
B.W.G. Staarink en/of M.D.C.L. Pleumeekers te Venlo, zulks onder vermelding van de naam van het project: HIV/AIDS St.Vincent Hospital te Aliade, Benue State, Nigeria.


Myom Support group (PLWHA)
St. Vincent Hospital
P.O. Box 41
Aliade-Gwer Local Government Area
Benue State, Nigeria

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ben,

May the peace be with you all now and forever. On behalf of my support group (Myom), I welcome you to Benue State "foodbasket of the nation". With sentiments of both joy and sorrow, we are inviting the two of you to our monthly meeting. As a great teacher in the world, you will have one thing or another to teach or tell us.

I humbly wish to take this opportunity to write and introduce to you our support group of people living positively with HIV/AIDS here in Aliade. Our support group (Myom) was formed in 1994 by Care Aids Organisation of St. Vincents Hospital Aliade. It is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation. It was formed by a group of volunteers to support people living with HIV/AIDS in Gwer Local Government and its environs. This was to enable people living with HIV/AIDS come together to improve the quality of their lifes and to reduce the stigma and discrimination attached to HIV. It has since been involved in activities that mitigate the impact of HIV infection. The strength of our registered members has rised steadily from the 18 it was at inception to 177 as at our last meeting in October 2004.
We hold our monthly meetings every first Saturday of every month. Membership is free.

Mr. Benjamin, in times of crisis God often calls out individuals who have the courage and character to do what most of us are unwilling or unable to do. You are one of these people. You and your wife have being called upon to develop commitment to help those of us infected with HIV/AIDS in Aliade. Your contribution in HIV/AIDS prevention and care is very essential. I hope and believe that you will extend your knowledge towards us and honour our invitation. My dearly beloved brother and sister; AIDS is a problem for all of us. We can no longer hide our sick and no longer afford to consult witchcraft about AIDS. But at the same time we can no longer deal with the AIDS problem individually, because it is overwhelming. You can contact me through the cooks there at the Holy Ghost House or through St. Vincent Hospital or through Rev. Fr. James Akpagher CSSp at the parish house.

I wish you and your wife a happy staying in Aliade and Benue State in general.
Thanks and God bless.

Yours faithfully,
Awuapila Simonpeter